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October 2022 News and Update

Update: How's the Market?

Leaves are changing color and the temperatures in Telluride are cooling off.  As we head toward the winter and holiday season, people are wondering “Is the market cooling off too?”

Homeowners have a strong hold in the market, with an average of $320,000 in inflation-adjusted equity as of quarter 2 of this year. Homeowners have more financial strength than they did over the past several decades, indicating that investing in a home remains a smart financial move. 

Rising inflation and increasing mortgage rates this year are the big reason buyer demand has pulled back in recent months. What does this mean for those thinking of making a move? While there’s no way to say with certainty where mortgage rates will go from here, there is something you can do to stay informed, and that’s connect with a trusted real estate advisor. My job is to stay informed on the latest market trends, stay connected to prospective buyers, negotiate prices and price your home so that it sells faster. 

If there is anything I can do to help you reach your real estate goals, please don’t hesitate to reach out.