Palo Verde Nuclear Generation, Arizona, U.S.

Projects as an Instrumentation Technician:

  • Cerro Matoso, Molybdenum Mine, Columbia, South America
  • Chino Mines, Silver City, New Mexico, U.S.
  • Bengazi Liquified Natural Gas, Bengazi, Libya, Africa
  • Basrah Petrochemical Project, Basrah, Iraq
  • Freeport McMoRan, Elko Gold Mine, Nevada, U.S.
  • Western Geophysical Oil Exploration, Wrangle Mountains, Alaska
  • Epic Instruments, Engineering Staffing, Manila, Phillipines
  • Palo Verde Nuclear Generation, Arizona, U.S.
  • Hughes Gomar Jack-Up Drill Rig II – Blow Out Prevention, Gulf of Mexico, U.S.
  • Yukon Equipment, Trans-Alaska Pipeline Project, Alaska, U.S.
  • Rowan Drill Rig #49, Prudhoe Bay, Alaska, U.S.

JJ’s photos of the Basrah Petro Chemical Complex immediately after the Iranian F16 Phantom attack and the view back while evacuating to Kuwait. JJ was working on site when the Iranian attacked. Photos below are from NY Times and United International Press of the bombing. 

An Iraqi solder near burning oil tanks, part of the complex at Basra.