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August 2022 News and Update

Update: How's the Market?

Summer is winding down and back-to-school season is quickly approaching. The current shift in the real estate market, with all the headlines that come with it, can make it hard to separate fact from fiction.

So, what does today’s market mean for you? 

Buyers are seeing the market shift back toward the range of pre-pandemic levels of buyer demand and inventory of homes for sale, largely due to rising interest rates. The increase in options and decrease in demand have opened a window of opportunities for homeowners looking to move and buyers looking to purchase a home.

Home values continue to appreciate, and experts predict that home prices will continue to rise (though at a slower pace than we’ve seen over the past two years).

As the market continues to shift, it is important to have a local expert beside you who knows the ins and outs of marketing, current trends, and historical context. If there is anything I can do to help you reach your real estate goals, please don’t hesitate to reach out.